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Showing posts from December, 2020


Without question 2020 had its unique ups and downs. It was an extremely challenging year for everyone. Who knew we would all be living through a deadly global pandemic and all the heartache it has brought to our world? Who knew we would be wearing masks whenever we went out in public? It was the first year I have felt safe going into a bank with a mask on. The year 2021 will have its ups and downs too, but psychologically I think the whole world is ready to bid farewell to 2020, and a hearty hello to 2021 and all the hope that it brings. As Captain Kirk from Star Trek would say – “To boldly go where no man (one) has gone before.” I love that. In 2021, wherever God leads me, I want to boldly go there, trusting that He will lead me all the way. FEAR OR FAITH? In 2021 will you boldly walk by faith, or stumble in fear? People who live boldly and courageously are not people who don’t have problems or frightening circumstances in their lives. They’re just people who live by faith instead of ...


In the movie  “ Talledega  Nights ,”   Ricky Bobby played by  Will Farrell ,  is sitting a round the  dinner  table with his family  and he’s  praying to “dear sweet  baby Jesus.” His wife says to him , “Honey, you do know that the baby Jesus did grow up to be an adult . Right ?” He replie s , “But I  li k e  the  baby Jesus best.” Why do  so many people like the  baby Jesus  more  than  the  adult Jesus?  I think I know why. I think it’s  because  b aby  Jesus  makes no demands and  doesn’t threaten their   agenda. Adult Jesus demands   one’s  life long allegiance . (Colossians 4:4.)   The nativity scene is very deceptive to our understanding of who Jesus was and what he came to  earth to  do.  There is a commonly accepted depiction of the nativity scene as being serene and peaceful . On the surface it was. However, there was mu...


I  have always enjoyed the  Christmas  season. I love the sights, sounds,  smells , movies,  food,  giving,  family get-togethers,  the good cheer in the air… and I really like  the music.   Christmas and mus ic go to gether.  Think about it. T here is no other time of the year that has music all its own like Christmas.  I mean w hat other time of year will you let total strangers gather on your  porch to sing ?  No other holiday has music like Christmas.     When I was a  child  we h ad a stereo about  10-feet  long.  At night around Christmas time , especially on Christmas Eve, my sisters would put several Christmas albums  on  to play  before we all went to bed.  I remember falling asleep listening to Christmas music  sung by people like, Bing Crosby, Nat King Cole,  Frank Sinatra,  and  El vis.  My f avorite   though  was...


There are three language channels we as human beings communicate with our fellowman on, both in the sending and receiving of messages. The three channels are: Visual , Auditory , and Kinesthetic . Each of us has a dominant channel that we use most often when communicating with others, both in the sending and the receiving. We communicate through words (7%), tone of voice (38%), and body language (55%). Allow me to explain each language channel so you can decide which of the three is most likely your dominant language channel. By learning this information, you will become a better communicator both as a speaker and as a listener in every part of your life. THE VISUAL PERSON: The dominant visual person (many people today are extremely visual because they grew up on television) see pictures when reading, responds to the beauty in art and nature, usually has good insight, and is interested in how things look. The dominant visual person processes most of life primarily through what they see...


The woman who supposedly tested out as having the highest IQ in the world was asked by a talk show host, “What is the most powerful concept in the universe?” Her answer, “Truth, because it’s the one thing you can’t argue with intelligently.”  It’s getting harder and harder in our current culture to find people who believe in absolute truth. For many people, everything is relative. I asked a man one time if he believed in absolute truth. He gave me a classic 2020 answer, “Yes, I believe in truth—to a certain extent.” Go ahead, scratch your head on that one. We live in a “whatever” society. The issue used to be, “What is right.” Now the issue is, “What is right for me.” And just because it’s right for me doesn’t mean it’s right for you. And how dare you imply that what I believe might be wrong or untrue. There was a time when the great majority of Americans believed that God speaking through the Bible was the only legitimate source for truth. Then the Enlightenment came along in the ...