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Without question 2020 had its unique ups and downs. It was an extremely challenging year for everyone. Who knew we would all be living through a deadly global pandemic and all the heartache it has brought to our world? Who knew we would be wearing masks whenever we went out in public? It was the first year I have felt safe going into a bank with a mask on.

The year 2021 will have its ups and downs too, but psychologically I think the whole world is ready to bid farewell to 2020, and a hearty hello to 2021 and all the hope that it brings. As Captain Kirk from Star Trek would say – “To boldly go where no man (one) has gone before.” I love that. In 2021, wherever God leads me, I want to boldly go there, trusting that He will lead me all the way.


In 2021 will you boldly walk by faith, or stumble in fear? People who live boldly and courageously are not people who don’t have problems or frightening circumstances in their lives. They’re just people who live by faith instead of fear. They live with consistent courage regardless of their circumstances.

There are two kinds of people: 1) The person who is going through hard times that cause them to live in fear. 2) The person who is going through hard times but choose to walk through it by faith instead of sight. (2 Corinthians 5:7.) Faith and fear are just two different ways of dealing with the same problem.

Have you ever heard the Indian legend of the mouse and the magician? (Mouse, Cat, Dog, Tiger, Hunter) The mouse lived in constant fear of cats. So, the magician turned the mouse into a cat. And this made him very content until one day in an alley he was chased by a dog. So, he went back to the magician and the magician turned him into a dog. And the mouse who had been turned into a cat, and then a dog, was quite content until one day in a field he spotted a tiger. So, he went back to the magician and the magician turned him into a tiger. And everything was fine until one day in the jungle he spotted a hunter. So, he went back to the magician to complain and the magician said to him, “I will not turn you into a hunter because even though you have the body of a tiger, you have the heart of a mouse.”

Let me share with you a text from the Bible that Paul wrote while in a prison cell in Rome being unfairly charged, unjustly imprisoned, and where he was completely uncertain about his future—whether he would be released or executed. He had many reasons to fear, but instead, Paul wrote in Philippians 1:18-19 - But what does it matter? The important thing is that in every way, whether from false motives or true, Christ is preached. And because of this, I rejoice. Yes, and I will continue to rejoice, 19 for I know that through your prayers and God’s provision of the Spirit of Jesus Christ what has happened to me will turn out for my deliverance.

The whole text is great but I think my favorite expression is in verse 18: "BUT WHAT DOES IT MATTER?” In Greek, it’s Tis Gar Plen. Loosely translated, this Greek phrase means “So what!” It’s about learning to be so trusting of God’s provision in your life that you would develop a “so what” attitude when life gets hard. It’s what Carl Barth called, “A defiant nevertheless.” And that’s the attitude of brave and fearless people, people who have a mindset to live by faith instead of by fear—to “walk by faith and not by sight.” If things always have to go right in order for you to live a life of joy and faith, then you’ll spend most of your life walking by sight and living in fear.

Living a Tis Gar Plen life in 2021 begins with a very brave conclusion that some of us still have not accepted—LIFE IS HARD! God built hard into the fabric of life. Hard is normal. Problems with relationships, finances and health are inevitable. You have to decide right now what attitude you’re going to live by in 2021 when life gets hard, or else you will be completely overtaken by your emotions—mainly fear. Maybe this is why the most frequent command in the Bible is, “Fear not.”


Some people want Jesus to be the Savior of their souls, but not the Lord of their lives. Make Him Lord in 2021. Having a Tis Gar Plen mindset is how Paul could say in regard to his unfair imprisonment, his unkind critics, and his uncertain future. “SO WHAT—JESUS IS LORD!”

Some might say, “but Paul, it’s unfair that you’re in prison. You didn’t do anything wrong.” To which Paul would reply, “SO WHAT—JESUS IS LORD! Every day I’m chained to a different prison guard, and I preach the gospel to him.”

Or maybe they would remark, “but Paul, there are some people out there on the streets who are saying some really ugly things about you when they go preaching about Christ…” “SO WHAT—JESUS IS LORD! I don’t care what people think about me. I only care about what they think about Jesus.”

“Yeah, but Paul, you have this thorn in the flesh that you have prayed for the Lord to deliver you from throughout three seasons of your life.” “SO WHAT—JESUS IS LORD. God’s grace is sufficient, and His strength has been revealed in my weakness.”

“Okay, but Paul, you probably won’t make it out of prison alive.” “SO WHAT—JESUS IS LORD!” If they let me out of prison, I will keep on preaching the gospel. If not, I’ll just go on to heaven and be with the Lord.” “For me, to live is Christ, but to die is gain” (Philippians 1:21).

Paul didn’t focus on the crisis. He focused on Christ. There was no circumstance in Paul’s life, and there is no circumstance in your life that cannot be used as a display for the glory of King Jesus. Romans 8:28 – And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

In 2021, let your problems and challenges be a lampstand for your faith, and a temple of your devotion. VERSE FOR 2021: Hebrews 13:6 – Let us be bold then, and say the Lord is my helper. I will not be afraid. What can man do to me? Life is hard, but Jesus is Lord.

Paul met every day with eager anticipation and courage. He had a faith that could not be chained. They put this man in a cell, but they could not put this man in a prison of fear. In 2021, I’m asking of and encouraging you to spend no time in your own prison of fear. Many of us wasted way too many days last year feeling sorry for ourselves, angry, complaining, living in fear, instead of walking by faith, and affirming that Jesus is Lord in the midst of our problems. Let’s set our intentions for this new year to be like Paul whose goal in life was to bring glory to the Lord regardless of his circumstances.


Jesus said: John 16:13 – In this life you will have trouble. Why?  Because life is hard. But Jesus said, “Take heart, because I have overcome the world.” Jesus is Lord. God is in control. Wherever God leads you this year, whether difficult or pleasant, go boldly by faith, not by fear.

Throughout the years, I have learned that understanding the “whys” of life are not important as long as I trust God with the “what” of it all. Realizing that whatever is taking place right now has a purpose and is part of a bigger plan allows me to endure the obstacles before me. God always has a why behind the what and though I may not understand the why, I can trust God completely with my what and even ask Him, “now what?” What would you want me to learn from this?

So when life throws a curve ball, instead of freaking out about it, you can say, “So what!” (Tis Gar Plen!) (Philippians 1:12-18.) What does it matter? In the end, whatever hand we are dealt, we can be certain that God has a purpose for allowing it to be dealt. He is in control. As my wife Deidra so often says, “Everything is going to be okay.”

Every day you get out of bed in 2021 is a day to live bravely, no matter what you’re going through in life—BECAUSE JESUS IS LORD—and as for everything else goes—SO WHAT! Let’s make 2021 A BRAVE NEW YEAR!


  1. Your writing is such an inspiration to me. Thanks for the wisdom and guidance from the words you've written here.

  2. I'm so glad you find my writings inspiring. Your kind words are appreciated. If there is a topic you would like for me to write on please let me know. I would be interested to know if I know you personally. Regardless, I hope you will share my blog with others that you think might benefit from it. Blessings to you, and Happy New Year!

    1. I am so sorry....this is Becky Carter, aka Mama B, and at one time I had a blog years ago but deleted it.

    2. Awesome! I'm glad to know you're reading my blog. Pass it on to others if you will. I hope you and my buddy Eric are doing well. Tell him we must play golf in the spring. Love and miss you guys!

  3. Thank you so much for this. Since Alicia died I have struggled immensely and questioned my faith,much to my surprise! But little by little with lots of tears over the years and by the grace of God through a sermon by Harvey Hearn, I have seen a light at the end of the lark tunnel I have been in. Harvey has blessed me with much wisdom and comfort. Your blog has blessed me also! You are a wise godly, man and I appreciate your words so very much! Thank you again, Karynn Hart

    1. Hey Karynn, I'm glad you got a blessing out of the article. I remember well going to Alicia's funeral and all the wonderful things that was said about her. She obviously was/is a wonderful person. She's just in a different realm of existence now, and you will be reunited with her some day. Dealing with loss is extremely hard, especially when it's a death. I don't know if we ever get over it. We just learn to live and move forward in the midst of the pain. I am so glad you have discovered a light at the end of the tunnel, and that Harvey has helped you to see it. By the way, congratulations to you and Harvey on your engagement. I am very happy for you two. Thank you for all of the many times you have encouraged me through the years. It will never be forgotten. Blessings sister!


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