There is so much anger, hate, and negativity in our world today. Civility seems to have been thrown out the window when people disagree with one another. People look for the worst in others and try to make the other in look as bad as possible. In order to help improve our relationships with others, and to help create a better world for all of us to live in, I would like to introduce a method I will call “Find It.” IN ALL YOUR RELATIONSHIPS WITH OTHERS… Find something to like about people rather than dislike. Find ways to encourage instead of ways to discourage. Find things in people to be positive about instead of negative. Find ways to be optimistic rather than pessimistic. Find things you have in common with someone instead of things uncommon. Find things to approve about people rather than disapprove. Find something to compliment someone about instead of something to criticize them about. Find ways to build people up instead of looking for ways to tear them down. Find ways to help a...