The three-part fantasy you are about to read is designed to facilitate a very meaningful devotion time for you—a unique way for you to spend some personal time with the Lord as a way to cope with any stressors that may be in your life right now. It might take as little as 15-20 minutes for you to complete, or it could take hours, depending on where you are in your life and what you are dealing with.
You’ll need to find a comfortable yet private place to be in order to get the most out of what you are about to experience. There are three parts to this devotional. Follow the directions I will give you and you will feel blessed and closer to the Lord.
First, take a few moments to absorb your surroundings. Take a look at the room or space you’re in and observe all of your surroundings – the walls, colors, textures, lighting, flooring, furnishings, distances, trees, clouds, grass, mountains, valleys, water, smells, sounds, feelings, etc.
Now close your eyes and see your surroundings only in your mind’s eye. After a minute or two, you are suddenly aware that someone has entered your space, and you realize that it is Jesus. He approaches you and says, “I’ve been anxious to visit with you for a while now. I have something very important I want to tell you.”
Based on everything going on in your life right now, meditate for several minutes on what you think Jesus wants to tell you? Take as long as you need.
After Jesus finishes talking to you, he bids you farewell and tells you that he will meet you again soon.
Close your eyes and get quiet and comfortable. Imagine that you are on a beautiful beach. You are alone and enjoying time by yourself. The sun is warm on your back and the cool water washes over your feet. The warm wind blows your hair, your body feels good, and for the first time in a long time, you are at peace with yourself.
You look down the beach about 200 yards and you see another human figure walking toward you. You are momentarily upset because you thought you had the beach all to yourself, but as the person gets closer you are somewhat startled because you recognize the person. It’s Jesus again. You start to raise your hand to say “Hello,” when He speaks first and calls you by your first name. He sits down next to you on the beach and says to you, “Last time we were together I told you some things I wanted you to know. Now I would like for you to tell me some things you want me to know about that are currently going on in your life.”
Now, for the next few minutes, I want you to empty your heart out to Jesus. Tell him everything you need to tell him about your life right now. It can be things that are making you happy or things that you are struggling through. Pause now to do what Jesus has asked you to do. Talk to him out loud if you feel comfortable doing that.
When you finish talking, Jesus says to you, “I have enjoyed listening to you. You are always in my love, and I have heard every word you’ve spoken to me. We will meet again soon.” You watch Jesus get up and walk down the beach and off into the distant horizon.
Now I want you to think back as far as you can to your childhood. Choose your best friend from back then to take this journey with you. He or she might be alive or dead. I want you to imagine that you and your friend do not live in the United States. You live in the Bible Lands of Palestine, along the Sea of Galilee where Jesus did most of his ministry while on earth.
Your parents have given you permission to take a walk with your friend. You take the hand of your friend and you skip and run together down a beautiful tree-lined road. Suddenly the two of you are in the back hills of Galilee. As you continue on your walk, you hear a crowd of people talking in the distance. As you approach them you realize that it is a group of adults gathered together in a circle. You are not sure what they are doing, but your curiosity gets the best of you and you grab the hand of your friend and start running toward them. All of the sudden one of the adults says to you, “Hey you kids, get out of here. This isn’t for you! Go away!”
Their words hurt and you have the sinking feeling of not being wanted. But you don’t give up! You go around to the other side of the group and you find an opening. You let go of the hand of your friend, and squeeze through. Suddenly, you realize that you are on the inside of the circle, and there is a man in the middle of the circle sitting on a rock, someone you’ve met before. It’s Jesus again. He sees you, motions to you, and says, “Come here my child.”
You walk a few steps toward him. He picks you up and puts you on his lap and says to all those people looking at you, “Do you see this child? When you have wanted to come to me as much as this child, then you will be in my kingdom.” Pleased by his words, you lay your head back against his chest, and he folds both of his arms around you. And, maybe for the first time in your life, you know what it is like to be in the safe, and unconditional loving arms of the living Christ. And it feels good.
And then as quickly as the event comes, it goes, for Jesus says, “Go my child, and play with your friend. We will meet again another day.” You get down from his lap, and the crowd opens a path for you and your friend to walk through. As you walk away from the people in the circle, there are two things you will never forget: the stare you feel on the back of your neck from the people who didn’t want you there, and the warmth in your heart of the Savior who did.
Matthew 11:28-30 – Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”
Grace and Peace!
Steve Cummings
I am always inspired by your writings and thoughts. This was a very special way to talk with our Lord and Savior. Thanks so much!
ReplyDeleteThank you Mama B. Maybe you and Eric can do this devo together. Tell my buddy I said hello and let's go play golf when the weather gets a little bit warmer. Love you both!