This is the fourth of four articles on what the Bible says about angels. I hope you have enjoyed reading them. If you missed any of them you can click on the link at the end of this article and it will take you to my Faith, Life & Culture blog. I have many other articles on various subjects that you might like to read as well. Don’t forget to subscribe. ACTIONS OF ANGELS – PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE PAST (Old and New Testaments) 1. Slew 70,000 from Dan to Beersheba. (2 Samuel 24:15-16) 2. Slew 185,000 Assyrians. (2 Kings 19:35) 3. Struck Sodomites blind to protect Lot’s family. (Genesis 19:11) 4. Protected Hebrew children in a burning furnace. (Daniel 3:28) 5. Went before the Israelites’ camp. (Exodus 14:19) 6. Spoke to Moses at Sinai. (Acts 7:38,53) 7. Announced Jesus’ birth to Joseph. (Mathew 1:20) 8. Announced Jesus’ birth to Mary. (Luke 2:11) 9. Announced Jesus’ birth to Shepherds. (Luke 2:13) 10. Angel told Joseph to flee to Egypt. (Matthew 2:13) 11. Angels...