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ANGELS (Pt. 1 of 4)

It is impossible to fully understand, but the Bible teaches that God has a mighty army of angels at his side who are always ready to do his will at all times, and they are on our side as Christians. There are over 300 references in the Bible to angels. Angels show up in the first book of the Bible as well as the last book of the Bible. From start to finish the Bible has numerous references to angel involvement in the affairs of the world, and specifically, in our personal lives as directed by God.

Why study angels? 1) Because the Bible has a lot to say about them. 2) Knowledge of their ministry is a source of comfort and courage to believers. 3) An awareness of the invisible realm is useful in our spiritual welfare. Understanding what’s going on “behind the scenes” helps us to be more faithful and confident about what’s going on in our lives. 4) Angels are extremely interested in us, so we should be interested in them. 5) We can better know and understand the many ways God works in our lives.

The word “angel” is not the only name God gives them in the Bible. They are sometimes referred to as: “Holy Ones.” (Dan. 4) “Saints.” (Deut. 33) “Sons of God.” (Job 1) “Morning Stars.” (Job 38) “Servants or Ministers.” “Host of Heaven.”

Before I discuss what angels are, allow me to briefly describe what they are not:  They are not super humans or lesser Gods. They are not God-like forms of deity. Nor are they glorified men. They’re not righteous men who have been reincarnated into a new and more transcendent form of existence.

So, what are angels? Angels are spirit beings created to execute God’s will in heaven and on earth. Hebrews 1:14 – Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation? They are created beings that have not always existed. Like you and me, angels are immortal (been given spirits that will live forever), but they’re not eternal (in the sense that only God has always existed). Like us, angels had a starting point to their existence. (Psalm 148:2,5; Colossians 1:16-17.) God sustains both people and angels. If He stopped sustaining us—both angels and people would stop existing.

Angels are mighty, wise, and powerful, but they do not possess all of the attributes of God. They can be anywhere quickly, but not everywhere all at once like God—so they are not omnipresent. They know a lot, but they don’t know everything—so they are not omniscient. They’re powerful, but not all-powerful like God—so they are not omnipotent.

Angels are supernatural created beings created to execute the will of God. They belong to a uniquely different dimension of creation than you and me, one that we as humans can scarcely comprehend. They were created as uncorrupted spirits, but like us were endowed with a free will. They can choose to obey or disobey. Most angels have chosen to do the will of God.

However, some chose in times gone by to live according to their own will and not the creator’s will. Those angels are no longer allowed in God’s presence. They were literally cast out of heaven. In fact, Jesus said, “Hell was created for them.” Angels are a different order of creation than human beings.

When were angels created? We’re not sure, but we can know they were created before man. (Job 38:4-7.) How long angels were created before man is a matter of pure speculation. When God created the world, the angels were present and applauded the work of God. All of the angels were created simultaneously—at one moment. How many angels were created? The Bible doesn’t say. The Bible simply says, ‘more than you can count.’ Both John in the book of Revelation and the Hebrew writer said there is a myriad of angels, which means innumerable—more than you can count.

Angels are like us in some ways, and not like us in other ways. Some of the ways they are different from us are: Angels do not have flesh and blood. Angels do not procreate.  Angels do not age. Angels do not get sick. Angels do not die. Angels are not the recipients of redemption. The Bible nowhere mentions provisions for fallen, sinful angels to be redeemed. Angels are not said to have been, “made in the image of God.” The chief difference between us and angels is that angels will never experience a bodily resurrection like us.

NOTE: Nowhere in the Bible does God say that we will become angels in heaven. We will always be a different order of God’s creation than angels. Jesus did say that in the resurrection we will be “like” the angels, but we do not become angels.

Where do angels operate? Matthew 28 implies that angels live in heaven, but they are constantly being sent to earth to serve the purposes of God. (Hebrews 1:14.) Some Christians think God now works only through the words in the Bible, that the angels and the Holy Spirit retired after the Bible was written. However, there is no indication in Scripture that God has recalled His angels, or that they are no longer working to achieve God’s purposes on earth and in heaven. Angels are still among us. In fact, Hebrews 13:2 says, “Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it. --Steve


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